Friday, March 11, 2022

A lust for prosperity and consumption, but not the open minded society needed to make it all work and to make life worth living.

Patriarch Kirill, a leader of the Russian Orthodox Church says there's a metaphysical struggle against a godless international order which offers excess consumption and visible freedom to any nation that proves its loyalty by holding a gay parade.

Oh, the decadence, but it seems like the excess consumption part is something most of the rest of the world aspires to. Oligarchs from Russia to China to much of the Third World as well as USA, Europe and so forth.

Free thinking and gay parades is what matters most to me. Wealth is often just a byproduct of the freedom to be innovative. Without the freedom, one can be killing the goose that lays the golden egg; especially in an information, technological world.

Too much lust for wealth, without other innovation, can lead to environmental destruction. We need more innovation than just for wealth. I've noticed many parts of the world strive for wealth, but not necessarily for open and diversified society.

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