The filling station that looks like a teapot near Zillah, WA. That's east of Yakima. I was here in 2007 also.
It's abandoned now, but I hear that town folk are hoping to restore it for historic value. Built soon after Teapot Dome scandal in 1920s.
It's around 100 degrees. Staying tonight at an air conditioned motel in Prosser.
Goldfinch; our state bird here in Washington. This was flitting around at Hell's Crossing forest service campground.
Also at that camp were some real friendly folks with large RVs. They invited me to their campfire. Good conversation and lots of laughter. Also they kept offering me food and one soft drink after another. I went through 4 cans of ice cold coke in an hour or two. Oh oh, lots of sugar, but I'm burning it on this bicycle tour.
Lake Tipso is there somewhere. Mostly frozen over and a winter wonderland on top of Chinook Pass. Somewhere over 5,000 ft.
About 50 degrees F. in the fog and lots of left over snow from earlier in the year that hasn't melted yet. Gives it a wintry look and feel
It's been a cool year and I got there earlier than last year. Still a lot of snow left from earlier in the year. A foggy, chilly day in the mountains, but no precipitation.
It's the most snow I've seen all year. We usually don't get much winter snow in Bellingham, but when I bike into the mountains in early summer it's winter like. Winter in July.
That was two days ago on Chinook Pass. Now It's summer again. I'm visiting friends in Yakima where it's predicted to hit 100 degrees F. in the next few days. Washington State is noted for diversity.
Power lines march out into a blur along Interurban Trail south of Seattle. Peaceful ride away from the traffic.
Last part of today was spent on Foothills Trail east of Puyallup. Heading toward Mount Rainier next.
Flickr set for Seattle.
Just heard on radio that China has surpassed USA in total energy consumption.
I wanted to try out the new Link Light Rail in Seattle. They take bikes, but I left mine at the motel and just rode as a passenger. It goes from downtown to the airport, but I took it as far as Tukwila just to turn around and come back. Nice ride.
Day 3 Feeling kind of silly if I go over Chinook Pass 3 times in a row over the last few years, but Mount Rainier is beckoning. Last two times I crossed Chinook (in 2007 and 2009), Rainier was in the clouds. Could it be visible this time?
I was planning to head down toward Portland and then turn east in the Columbia Gorge, but that's a long ways around. Maybe I shouldn't try and put on that many miles in this trip. Even though Chinook Pass is a long climb, it's a shorter route to Eastern Washington. I might do it yet again, especially if the weather forecast calls for Rainier to be out of the clouds.
Day 1 and 2Back in Mount Vernon, I wanted to attend the meeting of Cascade Rainbow Center which is organized by some folks I know. I got there about the time they were leaving as it was a long way into town from Bayview State Park where I was camping. We had a good talk anyway, even though their official meeting was over.
One of the tires on my trailer was flat as I rode over a tack soon out of Bellingham. This met I had a flat tire most of the way to Mount Vernon. Not so bad if it's just one of the little trailer wheels.
After visiting with my friends and having something to eat, it was about midnight. The only place open to get bike supplies was Walmart. This became the first Walmart I've ever bought something at. Actually, I have gotten a few MP3 files from Walmart on line.
No, I'm not necessarily boycotting the place. Walmarts are usually located in places where biking is treacherous. Sprawlmart isn't a bad name.
The new Walmart in Mount Vernon is different. The road to that Walmart has good shoulders.
Inside, the greeters directed me to bike supplies which are in "toys." Yes, I guess much of mainstream culture still considers bikes toys. Well, bikes are fun.
I got what I needed and was back at the state park by 1 AM.Day 3My legs felt fine, but the bike was creaking. Sounded like the bottom bracket was tearing itself apart. This was supposed to be a new bike.
Wondering if I'm getting too old, mentally, to put up with these little hassles even though people bike tour well past retirement age.
No bike shop was visible from my route till I got to Greg's Greenlake Cycles in Seattle. They checked it out and found that there wasn't enough grease in the bearing. For only $16, they got it greased up and I was back on the road with a fresh mindset.
A creaking bike can make the whole trip feel like it's coming apart and I had barely started.
For my collection. KGMI in my own town of Bellingham.
Cascade Radio Group runs several stations out of this studio location on Yew Street Road with towers in various other locations. KGMI's towers are at the studio.
I'm biking around in Bellingham a few days toward the start of my vacation. Putting around 50 miles on my new bike before I bring it in for it's 50 mile checkout.
Below picture added in autumn of 2012.
Sunset behind KGMI Radio towers 2012.
Song "YMCA" by The Village People is still relevant. Even the Y's new logo has "YMCA" at lower right side; according to web site. I remember the old logo just looked like a Y.
Village People's publicist may be deeply dismayed, but the old acronym is still around; looking beyond the sound byte level.
That tune is a great hit. One of the highlights of our local pride celebration, this past weekend, was when a bunch of folks (including me) danced onto the stage of Rumor's Cabaret forming those letters and singing as the DJ played that energetic song.
On the hood of a car that was in the parade.
See more of my 2010 Bellingham pride photos.
In some ways like a class reunion. Ron recognized me after 25 years as he was visiting Bellingham for 2010 pride celebrations.
5 years and around 10,000 miles has put metal fatigue in my bicycle. Bike shop found a crack in the frame when I brought it in for annual maintenance. They called to say I was eligible for the manufacturer's lifetime warranty on bike frames. That means a new bike for basically no cost. Moderate wear and tear can have some benefits.
Unlike the human body, bicycles can't restore themselves; with today's technology at least. A friend of mine marveled that things like human knees keep going as metal bike parts wear out. Nature does have some interesting ways. I think about my friend's comments when contemplating all the chains and freewheels I've gone through over the years. Moderate exercise is the trick
Some empty storefronts around town, but a bank says optimism is contagious.
Sign seen in window of new eatery under construction in downtown Bellingham. Man Pies on Railroad Ave.
See more of their sun painting.
Poster I designed for a workshop several years ago with an author who came through town named Serena Anderlini D'Onofrio. Click on picture for larger version and workshop details.
Laya wrote the text and I did the layout.
I like the wording that Laya wrote for the poster. Excerpted from poster.In the polyamory community, Compersion is thought of as feeling joy when our lover engages in intimate contact with another human being.
On the community level, Compersion is joyfully participating in the creative, amorous resources of our community.
On the global level, Compersion is the ecstatic joy we feel as we unite with the living, symbiotic field of the planet while loving others.
Come explore with us, through guided group process, the experience of Compersion as an embodied vibration which both liberates and includes us.
Serena Anderlini D'Onofrio is a professor, author and workshop facilitator, with decades of experience evolving the bisexual and polyamory communities.
See my pictures of walking in Vancouver, BC's 2011 Gay Pride Parade with the Vancouver Polyamory float.