Monday, December 30, 2024

Private ownership of business isn't necessarily worse than government, non profits, collectives or condo associations. It's about the people and the quality of stewardship.

I recently saw a video with Bernie Sanders standard augment that a small number of wealthy control the wealth while much of the rest of Americans are barely getting by. It could be true, but the majority of Americans haven't been voting to change this. Why?

I tend to think there is always going to be ownership of business whether it's government, non profits, worker coops, or private individuals. Someone is going to be taking leadership roles. It might be something owned by many, such as a condo association. I've heard that some condo associations are the "association from hell."

People don't always trust government though government leaders are elected while private owners aren't elected. What's wrong with government?

Worker owned businesses and coops might be better, but they have their issues as well. It depends on who's taking leadership roles? Not everyone is always happy. There is always majority and minority points of view as to how an organization should be run.

It seems like stewardship is more the issue; rather than whether it's private owners or not.

In some cases, private owners reinvest in the business and don't take that much out for personal profit. In other cases the owners milk it for all it's worth, ripping off the employees, customers and communities. Even with non profits there are folks, in leadership, who are bad leaders and even profiting from extravagant salaries. Non profits can be badly managed as well as coops, governments and private corporations.

Stewardship seems to be more the issue.

One wonders why we keep having bad leadership in so many cases. People don't always vote or shop, for that matter, in their best interest.

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