Tuesday, February 11, 2025

An old cloth covid masks that were available before the n95 masks came out protects breathing from the cold on a wintery day.

Voting is among the most important things an individual can do to effect change.

I tend to think that the US would be better off if people were lived less consumptive lives, were less NIMBY against things like affordable housing, use alternative transit more and so forth. More important than all the above things is probably voting.

Quite a few people feel that there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans. This could be true, or it could just be a self fulfilling prophecy. Voting for a less than totally ideal candidate is usually better than not voting at all.

Of course there are some people who don't like the status quo so they think America needs "shock therapy," I guess. That makes some sense, but I still think voting makes a difference.

It is hard to be motivated to vote as each person is, basically, just one drop in the big bucket. Still, It's something I try and do and I like staying informed on the issues, versus football scores, for instance.

There are some issues I leave blank, on a ballot as admittedly some of it can be tedious to try and figure out. School boards? Judges?

It can be hard to read through the material. I still vote on what I have opinions on.

A rubber stamp, Republican dominated Congress.

Seems like the president can ignore the constitution as long as Congress doesn't provide a check against that. Most Republicans, as the slim majority in this Congress, seem to be going along with Trump as well as Elon Musk.

The courts are less apt to go along with Trump's every decree. Even Trump appointed judges have ruled against him. That might be because Judges are less beholden to lobbyists, campaign contributions and the problem of being ousted in primary elections.

Not enough room for the Palestinians.

There is lots of push back against the idea of relocating Palestinians to other Middle Eastern countries. I remember, from my high school days, news about a civil war between the PLO and the government of Jordan. It was early 1970s during the time when King Hussein was king of Jordan.

I seem to have a memory for news. I recently looked that situation up in Google.

I also like to think about geography. Countries, like Egypt, have lots of desert lands while their large populations cling to relatively small areas within the country. Much of Egypt's over 100 million people depend on the waters of the Nile River and live not far from it's banks.

I tend to think population is still an issue. In Egypt, people worry that some of the Nile waters could be used by new dams in Ethiopia, built on an upstream tributary called the Blue Nile. I study maps and follow news, though, admittedly, I have never traveled beyond the US and Canada.

On eliminating the penny in USA. Canada has already done this.

Eliminating the penny could be a good idea. Maybe it's another constitutionally questionable executive order that Congress should have done instead.

Canada has already eliminated the penny, made less useful due to inflation; such as housing prices. The dollar has become the new dime and both countries do still have the nickle.

Canada could be more nimble than giant USA so Canadians were able to do this years ago. I can see why some of the Trump supporters have been frustrated by the the difficulty of making any big changes in this country. There is lots of inertia in the way things are done.

We may be joining Canada in saying goodby to the penny.

I'd guess that some people still want to keep the penny, however.

Many transactions are now done electronically with no need for coins. I think, in Canada, 1 cent can still be used in electronic transactions.

Dealing with lots of coins becomes more of a burden than they are worth. It costs more to mint the penny than it's value in one transaction; though a coin is used over and over again for many transactions.

I often bring extra coins to a machine, such as Coinstar, to turn the coins into easier to use currency. It's worth it, for me, to pay a small service fee for that service.

Years ago, I remember paying for $6 in postage with a bunch of dimes that I had laying around. The person at the post office said, "here are your stamps and now we just have to count out sixty of these little buggers." In pennies, it would have been 600.

Monday, February 10, 2025

With tariffs consumer prices are likely to go up long before US industry is able to ramp up.

In the news now are tariffs on steel and aluminum. Tariffs slow down international trade and raise prices for consumers, but they could bring more customers back to American industry.

Will American consumers stand for this? Consumers are used to the abundance that global supply chains provide.

I doubt that US home based prosperity could come back quickly due to the time required in rebuilding local industries. Could tariffs bring back American Aluminum production, such as here in the Pacific Northwest?

Could this lead to the restoration of Alcoa (formerly Intalco) Aluminum works, here in Whatcom County? I am not holding my breath.

Edicts proclaimed by one moody person, the president, can rattle big corporations who seek long term predictable environments.

I think another way to re localize business is to consume less. This takes pressure off business giving it room to reform.

It helps to realize that consumer prices are likely to be higher; given more local supply chains. Wages and other business expenses tend to be higher, in USA, than in some other sweatshop countries. Product prices, from local production, are likely to go up relative to other prices; such as real estate prices in USA.

Below, pictures from my bicycle trips. 2024 powerlines near the currently shuttered Alminum mill in Whatcom County north of Bellingham. Two other photos from 2005 of an abandoned aluminum plant on the Washington side of Columbia River east of The Dalles, Oregon. If it's even still there, it wouldn't be easy to bring back into production, I'd guess.

I sign off for certain periods each day and I don't need to be on call for anyone. I still log onto the internet several times a day. Just not plugged in 24/7

As for unplugging from the internet, I do use it each day. I find the internet useful.

I don't unplug for long periods of time, like a wilderness adventure, or summer camp for unplugging.

Instead I unplug by just not being connected to it 24/7. I tend to use posts and comments to things like Facebook walls rather than real time chats. My relationships with people don't require me to be there for them 24/7.

I often tell people, I am not a 24 hour radio station.

Before the term 24/7 became popular, I was fascinated in 24 hour radio stations. They were more rare in the late 1960s / early 1970s. I had an interest in the tubes warming up and staying on for days on end.

Living in a basement room in my parents house, I had a 300 watt lightbulb with no lampshade. It did have a porcelain socket for safety. It reminded me of a powerful tube. During college, I set it up in my dorm room, but didn't use it that much. One time I did have it on when a friend was visiting and he said that he felt like he was being interrogated by the KGB.

Most radio stations, back then, went off the air, sometimes with the Star Spangled Banner to resume broadcast next morning. Each morning, they would warm up the transmitter tubes again. It took some time for the tubes to stabilize and then they would flip another switch to start the broadcast day.

TV, back then would often start the day, as well as ending the day with a test pattern.

During high school, I thought I would have a career in radio. Of course I didn't know about social media before that technology change.

I used to hang out in the studios of KWSU Radio, in Pullman to watch and chat with a student host named John Briel thinking it was good to familiarize myself with the field I was planning to go into.

Some material I got while attending Communications Center dedication.

One time, I arrived at the Edward R Murrow Communications Center early in the morning. It was dedicated with that name my senior year in high school. John let me in the building and I watched as he started up the station. When he turned on the transmitter tubes, I said, "they are warming up now." His response was, "yes, everything is starting to cook."

Back then, KWSU had a studio to transmitter microwave link. The transmitter was located out by Knott Dairy Center west of Pullman. Knott Dairy Center named for Joe Knott, a colleague of my dad in the Dairy Science Department. Also a neighbor who's house was kittycorner across the back fence from ours.

The control system was a telephone dial; a rotory dial. Different number codes commanded actions out at the transmitter. Codes for turning on the tubes, codes for sending just the carrior signal as well as codes for starting the broadcast day. One time, during sunset, I saw him dial up the transmitter so I ask, "what did you just do." His answer was, "I just turned on the tower lights." Allows pilots to see the tower and avoid crashing into it.

24 hour stations, in big cities, did interest me. I picked up both KGO and KNBR, from San francisco, at night due to ionospheric skip.

Even the 24 hour stations had to shut down sometimes for transmitter maintenence. KNBR used to have a broadcast week. At 1 am early Monday morning after their Sunday evening period, they went off the air. At 4 am, they would return to the air. Sometimes I would listen to the sign on and sign off with interest. KNBR would sometimes have interesting tones, after going off the air, as they callabrated audio, I guess. Then it would turn to static as they turned off the transmitter.

KGO never seemed to go off the air. It run 24/7, week after week. I figured they had 2 transmitters. When they needed to service one, the other transmitter was switched on.

Sure enough, many years later, on the internet, I saw a picture of the inside of KGO's transmitter building. 2 identical transmitters were side by side.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

A strategy for reducing anxiety from the news while remaining engaged and informed.

I find the 24/7 news tickers add to my insomnia problems and anxiety. This is the "straight news," hard news, or just the facts; supposedly; as is described in Journalism school.

I do have to limit my consumption of that and stick to my own interests in reading, editorial analysis and educational things from sources like NPR. I also read columnists, from places like New York Times and even Wall Street Journal; when I can see them outside those publication's paywalls; on Yahoo News; for instance.

I often learn my news from Editorials rather than the hard news ticker. Editorials beyond just the silo of my own worldview. Some diversity of opinion on the spectrum of left to right, or other spectrum. Still admittedly, it is likely not humanly possible to be totally objective in what media I choose to listen to. Still, I go for thought provoking analysis and learning, versus the constant state of emergency, scary, drone of the 24/7 so called "straight" (there is a pun here) news ticker.

Is belief in climate change and or belief in God just a hoax?

Some people feel that climate change is a hoax. Other people might feel that belief in something like a god is a hoax.

The objective truth stands separate from our own perceptions of what each of us think is the truth.

First Friday of the month Downtown Art Walk in Bellingham. Passing a Cafe that is closed, but colored lights still on with art on the windows.

Passing Little Cheerful Cafe with my smartphone camera during Artwalk Feb. 7 2025.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Arab Americans for Trump changed name to Arab Americans for Peace. Why did they support the Republicans to begin with? Then I remember the Log Cabin Republicans.

Arab Americans for Trump has changed it's name to Arab Americans for Peace. This, after plans were discussed to turn Gaza into a resort during a meeting between Trump and the Israeli prime minister.

Odd that there would even be an Arab group for Trump, but I do remember that there has been a gay rights political group called the Log Cabin Republicans. Log Cabin Republicans support many of the principals of Republican economics; such as smaller government, low taxes and pro business interests. Mostly Libertarian in philosophy.

From article: In a press release issued Wednesday by Arab Americans for Peace, the group said its members “appreciate the president’s offer to clean and rebuild Gaza” but “take issue with the president’s suggestion of taking over Gaza and removing its Palestinian inhabitants.”

I say, people of various interests don't necessarily march, in lockstep, with any political party. I've heard of a book called What's the Matter with Kansas. It's about many poor and rural people still voting against policies that could help them; such as government spending on rural infrastructure or government programs that benefit folks in red states.

There is also a large segment of people who are just angry at the world, almost. They were dissatisfied with incumbent politicians, such as Biden was, who were not necessarily doing enough to improve the situation. This anger and disappointment often keeps folks away from the polls swinging, an election farther away from the goals of people sitting out the vote.

I think anger tends to be a counter productive emotion in politics.

Remembering a lot from the news over the years (if my memory serves me correctly). Log Cabin Republicans backed the Republican Party, but did not endorse Trump for 2016. They did not endorse any presidential candidate for 2016.

I also remember, from the news of years ago, when Log Cabin Republicans sent a donation check to (I think) Bob Dole who was running for President on the Republican ticket. The Dole Campaign refused to accept the check from a gay organization.

I haven't been paying that much attention to the news about that organization in recent years; such as 2020 and so forth.

DEI is just a newer acronym.

DEI is basically just an acronym related to a push, in society, to bring about a more equitable and fair society. Such efforts have been going on for decades under different names, such as civil rights.

It seems like whenever there is a lot of anger associated with these movements such as the anger against police after the killing of George Floyd, then there is push back. Often the push back is in a better position to prevail, given how close it is to the levers of power in society.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

One of the best forms of nonviolent civil disobedience is living a less consumptive personal lifestyle.

Consumerism, or lack thereof, can bring mighty corporations, governments and economies to their knees. It doesn't have to be radical, or extreme. One can remain safe and comfortable, but just not falling for the latest fashions could be enough for bringing in a more ecologically friendly, humane, sustainable and enjoyable culture.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Any difference between Harris and Trump? I doubt Harris would have wanted to turn Gaza into a resort, but other solutions worn't working either. I did vote for Harris, however.

I doubt that Kamala Harris would have proposed turning the Gaza Strip into a Riviera style Mediterranean resort. Then again, it seems like no solution that Harris, Biden, Trump, Bush, Obama, or anyone else tried, was working.

Some people think there isn't much difference between politicians, Democrat or Republican. I tended to still side with the Democrats, most of the time, but I do think that human culture shapes the world, anyway; human culture, beyond what politicians can usually fix.

How is good is Blue Sky Social as an alternative to other platforms?

I am starting to, somewhat reluctantly, learn how to post in a "sound byte" world, due to my new account on Blue Sky Social.

I often use that to link to my own blog for more nuance. I also use it to point out articles in other media, or my own photos on Flickr.

I think Blue Sky is more of an alternative to X than it is an alternative to Facebook. If Blue Sky were to have a division that worked like Facebook, it would be a great alternative to Facebook.

In the past, alternatives to Facebook; such as Ello, never got off the ground. This, due to privacy curtains around friend groups. Newcomers to the platform, didn't have networks of friends already established so it was lonely out there on the frontier.

Facebook got started early, so the friend networks are well established and hard to reconstruct elsewhere.

I still to keep using Facebook due to the warmth of the friend networks here. That is hard to beat elsewhere.

Blue Sky does have a good chance to "get going big time" due to having less, or maybe no, privacy curtains preventing newcomers from interacting with folks across the platform. I think the feeds on Blue Sky are visible on the open web also so they can be "spidered" by Google and other search engine's giant databases.

I'm very trusting of an open platform because I would not put anything on social media, including Facebook, that I wouldn't want to see published in national media.

On the other hand, I doubt national media is likely to come looking for little me here in Bellingham (where?) WA. In Washington State, we keep having to remind world folks that we live in "the other Washington," versus Washington, DC.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

A concrete jungle may not be so bad after all given wildfires at the low density urban / rural fringes of cities like Los Angeles.

Inner city neighborhoods tend to be more resilient to wildfire spread than areas who are trying to have the best of both worlds; natural setting and the California Ranch Style Home.

More on this topic.

Ironically, many Republican's who talk about sanctity of life also wish to have more restrictions on too many "achor babies" here in USA.

There are folks that sound kind of NIMBY like. They might say, about children being born; "we believe in the sanctity if life, but we don't want those babies here." For instance what are sometimes referred to as anchor babies.

I disconnect by just forgetting to bring my phone with me when I venture out from home. I'm absent minded. I have no one that I need to be "on duty" for anyway.

Periods of disconnecting from the net can be seen as a good thing for mental health. Information overload can make one batty. I don't set a goal to disconnect, however. Ever since childhood, I've just been absent minded. I often leave home and forget to bring my smartphone with me.

That's okay because I don't need to be on call 24/7. I'm not working a job that requires being "on duty." I don't have a family, or close loved ones, who expect me to "be there" for every little crisis that comes up in their lives.

I do have lots of friends and community connections, but they can wait.

When I was a child, I was so absent minded that I forgot to bring the new lunch box, my parents bought for me, home from school. It got lost at the school.

They bought me another one and I accidentally left that at the school also. After that, they refused to get another lunch box for me. They still packed a lunch for me, but it was in a disposable paper sack.

I often wonder how today's kids can hang on, so tightly, to their smartphones, when I couldn't even hang onto a lunchbox.

Unlike some other post war baby boomers, I don't have a vintage, "early 1960s" lunchbox to show for it on eBay.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

If I wanted to establish a carreer as a psychic, I would predict a stock market downward correction for Feb 3.

If I wanted to establish a career as a psychic, I would predict a major downward correction in stock markets on both sides of the US, Canadian border tomorrow (Feb. 3 2025).

Worries about disruption of US, Canadian and Mexican trade, that keeps things like the international auto industry healthy, could cause problems in the markets.

Then again, I admit that I don't have a crystal ball. It isn't necessarily easy to predict the future.

Several scenarios cross my mind. A temporary disruption, or crash. Maybe the Republican oligarchs will panic and get Trump to reverse course; as if running America from the seat of his pants. The disruption becomes only temporary, due Trump changing his mind. Markets recover soon. That's one scenario, but there are others, too many to write, that cross through my mind.

Another, of many thoughts I have. This looks like an artificial coronavirus crisis without a real virus. Like the artificial debt ceiling, in Congress, it’s a problem rooted in worry without much basis beyond just fear itself. The bull is in the chinashop of international commerce.

I just listened, over radio, to the Feb. 2 2025 edition of Cross Country Checkup on CBC Radio in Vancouver. This episode was about potential disruption of trade between US Canada and Mexico and it's effects on each side of the borders. Very interesting.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Remember speed reading?

Back in my college days, I remember a bunch of ads for speed reading classes. Pay some money and learn speed reading.

It seems like one doesn't hear much about speed reading classes, these days. Maybe it's because folks are less likely to be reading books than before.

I had difficulty getting through big reading assignments, in college, due to my lack of speed reading skills, I guess. I tend to work more slowly and I tend to favor more interactive learning than just absorbing tons of information. Shorter readings and things like NPR podcasts of round table discussions are more my speed.

Sound bytes and debates on X don't appeal to me. I tend to go for the middle ground when it comes to consuming information; modest sized, but more nuanced than things on X. I also seem to need to express my own feelings and ideas along the way.

Many good years without an airliner crash in USA until this year.

One thing that is shocking about the recent plane crash in Washington, DC is how, in recent times, it's rare for an airline to crash in the USA.

I read that the last major crash was back in 2009. This has been a very good safety record, compared to the so called "good old days" of the 1800s when catastrophes, in factories, transportation and so forth, were more like just "another day at the office." Safety standards have evolved, toward safety, over the past century.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

A vindicative president.

Trump accusing Washington DC aviation disaster on DEI policies, Biden and so forth.

A less vindictive president would wait till the investigation provided a clearer explanation of why this disaster happened. The investigation is in progress; assuming the investigators have not been laid off from the government.

Turning the inflation clock back to 2019.

It wasn't enough to satisfy some right wingers that inflation went down to around 3% under Joe Biden's watch after it had risen to around 9% a year after the pandemic.

The overall inflation rate went to around 9% after the Fed dumped lots of money into the economy to pay for keeping things solvent during the pandemic. This propped up businesses and people, while rents and mortgages were still due, but businesses had to reduce indoor gathering. This also had the effect of propping up high property values as rents and mortgages could still be paid while many people were not working. It paid for unemployment and things like The Cares Act.

Under Biden's watch, inflation went up due, in part, to that extra money sloshing around in the economy. Biden ask to have more money put in to pay for things like the so called "Inflation Reduction Act;" infrastructure bill.

Right wingers bitched due to the higher inflation, though, later in Biden's term, the Fed was scaling back and inflation was going down rapidly.

This wasn't enough to satisfy right wingers who noticed higher grocery prices, gasoline prices and so forth. They wanted something more. They said, "bring prices back down to the 2019 "before pandemic," levels. Food prices go up with wages, passing added costs to consumers. During the pandemic, some workers were more highly regarded than usual and people were calling them "essential workers."

Now, well after the pandemic, the talk about essential workers has subsided and people are bitching about inflation.

Okay, I noticed that home values went up faster, during that period after the pandemic, than the overall inflation rate. In some cases home values went up around 20%!

Let's bring home values back down to 2019 levels. This could reduce the cost of living. Lets bring rents back down to 2019 levels. How about stock values? Let's crash the stock market so stock values can drop to 2019 levels as well.

Do the right wingers wish for that?

I say, "be careful what you ask for as you might get it."

As for gas prices, right wingers want to bring gas prices back down to when Trump was in office for his first term.

I say, when, during Trump's first term? Are you talking about around March of 2020 when oil was at the record low of $0 per barrel? That was when oil demand plummeted, around 95% of airlines were grounded, cars were sitting in the driveway and people were staying home. Biden accused of hiding in the basement.

It cost more money to store the toxic substance called "oil" at the wellhead, than it could be sold on the market for. Oil drillers started turning off the wells.

The global warming carbon footprint went down, the polluted skies got clearer and life became more mellow. Some people thought that period of quiet was almost like being in heaven.

Okay, after 2021, the economy is basically back to normal again, so prices are higher due to demand. In spite of Joe Biden, oil production, in USA, have hit record levels even before Trump took office for his second term. Carbon footprint is back up to normal again, and some folks are denying that global warming even needs to be addressed.

Who is more immoral, the Palestinians or the Israelis?

On my moral scale, both are equal.

So why have the Israelis killed so many more people than the Palestinians?

In my opinion, only because the Israelis have more powerful weapons.

The violence and hatred is similar on both sides, but larger weapons will only amplify the violence.

Folks on both sides who wish for peace are of higher moral character than those who wish for war.

I say the best way to liberate people from oppression of a powerful ruler is to subvert the ruler's system in some none violent and creative way.

Innovation tends to works better than violence.

If one is going to fight fire with fire, one needs to have equal firepower.

Monday, January 27, 2025

What happens if government stops keeping reliable economic statistics?

Potential cuts in government agencies that collect statistics on the economy could bring interesting results. What would Wall Street due without a reliable measure of inflation?

So much of the news and business decisions rely on accurate measures of things like unemployment levels, inflation and so forth.

Without these numbers, maybe more economic chaos? Would it be a blessing in disguise to be less mindful of money. Would people sing, "don't worry, be happy?"

Are Washington State's carbon limits actually reducing the state's carbon footprint?

Some Republicans in Washington State Legislature want quicker access to results for lower carbon emissions from the state to measure if things like Cap and Trade are actually working.

Personally, I have a different measure. What do we get in return from the money collected? It could be bringing us less traffic, expanded bus service, more trains to Spokane, than only one train that arrives after midnight, and so forth. Worth it.

As for emissions from this state, I think it's working, somewhat. Not always an easy measure, due to other factors clouding the results; such as state population, continued car addiction and economic growth. In spite of these other factors, clouding the measurement of results, are carbon emissions, from our state, actually going, down?

Selfi taken at a dance.

Someone I met and posed with after a conversation at a birthday party. Picture turned out good. Party was at Presence Studio in Bellingham, where I sometimes attend the free form dances.

Being a minimalist has some virtues and drawbacks.

View from my old apartment, several years back, with my painted homemade particleboard organizer.

One drawback was I have no backup pair of shoes, or laces when one of my shoelaces turned into a big granny knot that I had to cut off. Then I used the pieces of lace to tie shoe as best I could to get to a store to buy new laces.

A virtue, about minimalism, is not worrying that much about my material possessions. A radio show about LA fires talked about the grieving over keepsakes lost.

I thought about what things matter most to me. What material possessions would I take with me if I was evacuating my home. Top of the list might be my sculpture made out of dried Elmer's Glue. Pretty unique and irreplaceable. I made it during college. I could survive without it however.

Other unique keepsakes would come next. Small things with their own stories. One piece of furniture high on the list I made from particleboard and glue in the 1980s, it turned out well. I would try and save that, but it wouldn't be easy to carry.

As for photographs and writings, the important stuff is scanned to digital. The most important stuff is in the cloud, on my website, Flickr, or blog. If the paper burned, it wouldn't be that big a deal, though I don't plan to throw out the paper.

I would likely grab my external hard drive with the scans I have done and organized. As for my computers, I have 6 old ones, counting smartphones. I could sell all of them for less than one month's rent of my apartment and buy new more up to date electronics.

I have several radios that could be replaced. Clothing and other items could be replaced.

My bicycle is well used and not not top of the line bicycle, but still works fine. It could be replaced.

A front wheel of the bicycle that took me across America, years ago, would be missed however.

My Elmers Glue sculpture from college. Not made for a class, just a hobby in my dorm room.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Debate over Los Angeles fires. Land management or climate change the cause? It's both.

I'll admit that land management might have the upper hand, but climate change may be a close second in the debate over why the fires were so bad.

I call myself a liberal, but it seems like most liberals have forgotten a good talking point for environmentalism that I learned in my 1970s city planning classes from college.

I learned that sprawl is bad. Building at the urban / rural fringe is problematic; especially if homes are spread out among fire prone natural landscapes. Good city planning tends to favor more compact development within "urban growth areas" versus so much encroachment into rural areas.

If houses are sprawling out into nature, it's likely that populism and anti government regulation, will take the side of the houses meaning a win for removing natural vegetation if the vegetation is fire prone. Populism will want to "pave paradise and put up a parking lot," as the old song goes; especially an empty parking lot as a fire break. Of course a full parking lot could mean car fires spreading from gas tank to gas tank. Good firebreaks are needed around development.

Still, climate change is an issue as the environment is likely to become dryer, do to persistence of drought as well as becoming warmer. Longer fire seasons in the forests and scrub lands, for instance.
Image I found on the net

Friday, January 24, 2025

Poem by me. The Trump Comeback.

Is it the second coming of Donald Trump?

Some evangelicals think he’s anointed by God.

Then there is another meaning of the word come, or do I mean cum as in the stormy waters of Stormy Daniels?

How many evangelicals will stay on that ship or will they fall off to the ocean of soul searching?

Some hang on tight because of traditional marriage and commitment to money and power.

Glad I can still write this in USA, but who knows what the future could bring.

I couldn’t write stuff like this in the Christian nation of Russia, now at war with it’s former colony Ukraine.

I couldn’t write this in Afghanistan or Iran, noted for their hatred of “difference” and their war on women.

Cartoon of my fears.

Two fears that people, including myself, often have. These fears cancel each other out.

Personal to the left on the chart.

Communal, about the state of the country and the world, to the right on the chart.

Poem by me. Immigration.

Is it too many families, children and individual adults flooding our borders looking for safety from trouble overseas? Overpopulation?

Is it too much foreign money, flooding into our country and using it as a safe haven for money inflating property prices so Americans can no longer afford to live in our own country?

Vancouver, BC, in Canada has something called an empty condos tax. Discouraging foreign investors from buying condos to keep locked and empty as better investments than low interest at the bank.

Is it too much money, seeking our safe haven, making our dollar too strong so our products cost too much for the products to immigrate to cheaper countries?

Maybe we can solve this problem by crashing our own dollar, then we can export our products. We can be like a third world country and let the foreigners drill, baby drill our natural resources for export markets.

Yes, maybe not a bad idea, as our natural gas can help Europe get by until it reaches the utopia of green energy. This because the so called good Christians, in Russia, are being boycotted by Europe after Russia invades it’s former colony; Ukraine.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

New attorney general, in my home state of Washington, plays a role in the news about birthright citizenship today. Sometimes known, by rightwingers, as the anchor baby topic.

President Trump issued an executive order that attempted to end automatic citizenship to babies born in USA, whether the parents are US citizens or not.

This could be called the "anchor baby" issue as many of Trump's right wing supporters seem to be tired of all the anchor babies born in USA. Over population? But many of these Trump supporters call themselves pro birth.

Anchor baby is kind of a derogatory term used to describe the situation of having a child in the US; like placing an anchor toward better life in America.

Birthright citizenship is in the constitution so Trump's executive order is on shaky grounds. A Federal Judge ruled, today, to suspend that order for the next 14 days while there are more briefings in the legal challenge.

Our new attorney general, here in the state of Washington, played an important role in that case now making national news.

One of my friends has a situation not often heard, related to this issue. He was born, in USA, to Latin American parents. A child born to a a family drawn to USA for a professional job. Being of US citizenship and growing up here, he was very American.

Later in life, he moved to the Latin American country where his parents lived because he was having trouble finding professional level work, in this part of USA.

Maybe he could have stayed here if he had aspired to be a janitor with interesting hobbies, like me.

This friend has a BA degree from college in the humanities and has career interest in film production and teaching.

Try getting a job at a university, or some other institutions in USA, without more credentials.

No PHD? Little work experience in the field? A catch 22. No Ivy League degree? No way.

Back in his parents home country, a college education is worth more than a dime a dozen. He moved to a Latin American country and to a world less flooded with over qualified humanities graduates. His professional career took off; teaching, writing and so forth.

He still misses many things about life in USA, but moving overseas was a good career move, in his case.

Often it does seem like, in USA, there's no room at the inn.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

About getting the momentum started on a new social networking platform.

I think the Blue Sky platform will have better luck competing with Facebook than attempts to compete with Facebook in the past. Granted, it's not quite the same, it's more like Twitter (now X).

In the past some attempts to compete with Facebook couldn't get the momentum going due to platforms playing lip service to privacy.

Privacy is kind of the antithesis of social networking. If folks are on a new network, privacy will mean little content can be seen until one builds up a network of friends. Getting this momentum started can be difficult.

Facebook got going early so the friend networks are established. Other platforms have trouble breaking that momentum unless they are more like the open web where content can be searched in Google and so forth.

Where content can be found without having to be friended in friend networks. In a more open environment, friend networks can still develop over time.

I think the wish for privacy may have made Ello, an alternative social network launched in 2014 never really got off the ground. It closed in 2023.

Content on Blue Sky seems to be more available to newcomers who haven't yet established friend networks there. Reddit is similar in being more open as are platforms like Flickr.

When do we call USA an oligarchy instead of a democracy?

There is a shade of gray between oligarchy and democracy. Where the line is drawn depends on who one is talking to.

According to some folks on the left, we've already been an oligarchy for a long time. A nation run by the rich and the corporations. Little or no difference between the major political parties; the Democrats behold-ant to corporate power as much as the Republicans. Some might say it's been there all along so it's nothing new.

Others, like me, would say it has been more of a democracy during my lifetime. I tend to believe the people, in mass, determine the outcomes. Personal behavior in the marketplace, voting booth and so forth.

It's been most likely a product of both undue influence from the wealthy and "the people have spoken." Of course not all people think the same, but the summation of all creates the culture.

The future is undecided. Will future historians point to January 20 2025 as the date democracy turned to oligarchy? That's the date of the second inauguration of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Ops, I mean Trump and JD Vance; Freudian slip.

The pendulum could swing back the other way in the future. Who knows what the future will bring.

Another question is, if folks believe we have been in an oligarchy, has that been a self fulfilling prophecy? Only time will tell.

Standardized modular housing construction. A way to reduce insurance costs.

The standard American home and nature often don't mix; especially in urban / rural fringe areas such as where many of the recent Los Angeles Fires occurred. Future insurance policies could be written to only replace the building with a basic minimum dwelling, such as like a FEMA trailer. For households of more people, maybe several of these units could be installed together for more space.

This type of policy would likely be more affordable than one that tries to rebuild what was on the lot before.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Insurance and or government should just pay for FEMA type trailers to rebuild, after LA fires and call it good.

My quirky idea for rebuilding homes that have burned due to the recent LA wildfires. This idea also addresses the lack of coverage / insurance crisis as well as the government funding burden. Provide cheap modular structures; like FEMA Trailers, so people have a place to live and call it good.

If folks wish to rebuild something larger, or different, they can pay for it out of their own pockets; if their private insurance coverage doesn't cover rebuilding the home.

This solution can work for all people living in high risk areas; such as floodplains or the coast of Florida.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Can USA get along with tarriffs on Canadian fossil fuels?

Natural gas fired boiler plant heating WWU buildings. Sun reflecting off the vapor cloud.

A recent speech by Trump said, we don't need Canadian energy, "we can produce our own."

I realize that northern parts of USA get much of our natural gas, for heating, from Canada. How fast can we ween ourselves from Canadian fossil fuel and build heat pumps for heating? I don't think that's what Trump has in mind.

I can elaborate more. Much of the US natural gas production is in different areas than the customers with no currently operating pipelines to connect. Pipelines can not be "built in a day", unlike Rome; as the old story goes. This takes time and patience, if it's a good idea anyway, in the era of climate change. I assume that climate change can't be waved away by a magic wand either.

At WWU, there is lots of talk about converting the system from natural gas to heat pump technology.

I would guess that makes lots of sense as a campus is already used to underground utilities so they should know how to install a system of "Earth to heat pump" technology.

Still it can't be built in one day.

Natural gas burns somewhat cleaner than gasoline that's made from oil. It burns cleaner than coal, but it's still a fossil fuel. Water is it's main "smoke" because it has more "hydrogen" and less "carbon" than other hydrocarbons; like oil.

I do find science interesting.

A poem I just wrote. Things that have been thought of as pipe dreams.

Total US energy disentanglement from Canada, in short order. Can we build pipelines quickly from our natural gas to our own customers?

Another thing called a pipe dream. Mass markets adopting my own minimalist lifestyle.

Yet another thing thought of as a pipe dream. Converting to green energy on short order.

Yes, it all does take patience.

I partially thought up this post because of the pun about pipe dreams and pipe lines.

Like it or not. Adapting to a changing world.

I can think of two aspects of addressing climate change. One aspect is reducing carbon emissions. The other aspect is community resiliency. Thinking about the fires in Los Angeles, resiliency comes to mind. Something similar can be said about Florida and many other localities. As the natural environment is changing the need for things like better fire breaks is needed to protect people's homes from wildfires. This could mean altering the natural environment; such as introducing invasive species that are less flammable than the natural species of plants in an area. This may have to be done if people's residences are, basically invading that same natural area. Modern American homes and the natural environment, in an area, don't mix. Modifying the natural environment, since the residential areas are already nearby, protects the homes from wildfire.

This can be done carefully by thinking about what plants to put in an area to better suite that area for the "American lifestyle and neighborhood planning" that has already invaded the area; for instance single family homes scattered out among a forest or area of naturally flammable brush.

Another idea related to resiliency that is more compatible to not altering the natural environment is to alter our city planning and lifestyles. More compact and denser city planning can be another form of resiliency which creates less sprawl of homes and buildings into formerly natural areas. Less use of the automobile and more alternative transportation can help reduce congestion in denser development. Changes in lifestyles and expectations, to more urban and less consumptive living, can make urban life work and even thrive.

Similar thinking can apply to places like Florida where rising sea levels and storms can mean too much water, rather than too little. Retreating from the coast is one strategy as the ocean starts to reclaim low lying areas.

Making buildings and houses more resilient to fire, flood and wind is also a strategy. These are strategies of resilience given the other strategy of curbing worldwide carbon emissions is slow in coming or could be difficult to achieve. Reducing worldwide carbon emissions is said to be the best strategy of all, however. How is that done?

Similar to community resiliency on the local level, it requires changes in planning, lifestyles and technology. Changing the plant mix in an environment, such as altering things for better firebreaks is a form of change also, though it's less popular with environmentalists. That type of practice, building the fire breaks, removing the flammable forest, for instance may end up being what will be done; especially in the era of Donald Trump. Problem is, Trump is not noted for careful planning. Thinking carefully about how to alter an environment works better than just saying "nuke em and bring in the bulldozers."

Similar situations exist in places like Florida where rising sea levels are likely to change the map of Florida.
A graphic I found on the web. This indicating the potential flooding of Florida. Graphic: Green Policy 360

Friday, January 17, 2025

Starting to learn my way around Blue Sky Social Media.

I now have a presence on Blue Sky, but I may end up still liking Facebook more. Blue Sky limits the size of posts so it is more of a realm of sound bytes, rather than in depth discussion.

I plan to link, from Blue Sky, to my blog where there is room for the nuance. Readers may be less apt to follow links than to click the "read more" link in a Facebook post. Still maybe not, it's a link. I think Blue Sky is more like Twitter (now X) only much better and not owned by Elon Musk.

I haven't used Twitter for writing, but I have used it some to follow things like space missions; linking out to NASA and other ongoing news sources.

A link to my presence on Blue Sky Social. It's mostly links back to this blog.

For more things, not already posted on this blog, Facebook users can find my Facebook wall.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

An idea for reducing conflict between landowners when siting wind turbines.

Here is an idea I thought of today. Financial proceeds from leases for wind turbans could be paid to a special district, rather than individual land owners. Then all the landowners in the district could divvy up the proceeds.

Reason I think of this is I can guess that some of the opposition to wind energy comes from property owners who's land is less desirable for wind energy. Maybe they resent neighbors who's land is more desirable. Financial benefits could be shared with all in the area; even those with no wind farms on their land.

Wind farms do have some impact on the view, wildlife and so forth. I've heard the phrase, "there ain't no free lunch." At the same time, there are things that may need to be done for the greater good; such as energy production.

I've also heard that one turbine in one of the Snake River hydroelectric dams can produce as much power as over 200 wind mills.

Still, I sometimes think of windmills as being like modern art sculptures. As long as we are using energy, there is some price to pay, though wind farms may not be the best alternative. They do dot large portions of the landscape. Solar may be the best alternative energy in many cases.

There is now lots of arguing over the potential siting of another wind farm in the Palouse Region of Washington near where I grew up.

Eastern Washington has many wind turbines. It seems like there are very few in more densely populated Western Washington.

With my interest in geography, I realize that much of Washington State's power comes the eastern part of the state. Big power lines cross the Cascade Mountains.

Much of the power comes from dams on the Columbia and other rivers. Some of the power comes from a nuclear reactor in the Hanford Reservation. Solar is a growing source also. Here in Bellingham, many homes have rooftop solar panels.

My photos from various bicycle tours over the years.
Wind turbine in distance near Ellensburg, WA. Power line near Snoqualmie Tunnel. Generators at Lower Monumental Dam. Palouse wheatfields near Colfax, WA. Solar panels on restaurant in Palouse, WA.

Reconcilling trasgender issues and sports.

I've never been into competitive sports and I'm not that worried about the so called problem of transgender athletes creating unfair competition in women's sports.

I can see how some folks might be worried as we live in an age when the difference between winning and losing a race is measured by laser beams. In the old days, they used to say "measured by a micrometer." In sports, a tiny difference seems trivial to me, but I'm more into fitness and recreation than competition. In science, accuracy is important.

Lasers are a part of the most accurate measurements ever made in history. It's the distance between two mirrors that could be less than 1/1000th of the width of a proton. Those measurements are made at the LIGO Gravity Wave Detectors including one at Hanford.

Below photos from my 2023 summer bicycle and transit trip to LIGO Visitors Center at Hanford, near Richland, WA. from Bellingham, WA.

I am now on Blue Sky Social Media as well.

I've been fairly prolific on Facebook which is more interactive than this blog. I plan to keep my Facebook wall, but now opening up a new outlet on Blue Sky. This, in part, due to friends and followers leaving Facebook. They can now find me on Blue Sky.

It's like opening up a new transmitter, if one were in the radio business.

Problem is, Blue Sky limits the size of posts so many of my posts, there, will be links to this blog for more nuance.

I also use Flickr for sharing many photos. Reditt is kind of a learning curve for me, but I use it some. Pretty much my whole online presence is at my website which mostly serves as bookmarks to my archive of things across several platforms.

Scroll down to more of this blog, or visit above link to website.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions when hearing the headlines.

The man behind the incident known as Pizzagate was recently in the news again. On first glance, I was afraid Trump was appointing him to high office.

Turns out he was shot by police during a traffic stop as he was pointing a gun at the police. He died soon after.

This was the man who, in 2016, followed bizarre rumors that began with a leaked email referencing Hillary Clinton and pizza parties. It morphed into fake online news stories about a child sex trafficking ring run by prominent Democrats operating out of a Washington, D.C., pizza joint. Back then he showed up at the pizza parlor armed.

His demise came after a confrontation with police during a traffic stop in 2025.

Many years ago, I was listening to a late night talk show on the old KGO in San Francisco. Some elderly lady called in and was very upset that all the former presidents supported NAMBLA (National Man Boy Love Association). THe talk show host thought she was a kooky caller and hung up.

I realized she had heard a headline about all the former presidents supporting NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act). She thought NAFTA was NAMBLA due to poor radio reception and / or bad hearing.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Is having gratitude an option only for the privileged? Well, those who are privileged don't have enough gratitude either.

Some people think promoting the concept of gratitude is a bias enjoyed by folks with privilege. Not everyone has lots of things to be thankful for.

Still gratitude is important as even folks with privilege often don't have gratitude either. They are complaining about taxes, crime, their neighborhoods changing and so forth.

Gratitude is also pretty important for folks trying to improve their situations as people, who aren't that happy with their situations, often quarrel among themselves in a sea of complaint. The perfect can be the enemy of the good.

Quarreling often opens the door to "divide and conquer;" a tactic used by folks in power to stay in power.

2002's mini 911 that hardly phased a building in Tampa Florida.

Violence and even anger tends to not be a good agent for positive change. In recent news, there have been some acts of individual violence; for instance the cyber truck blowup in front of the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas. This said to be a wake up call, but from a former person said to have favored Trump.

I'm remembering 2002 when a mini 911 happened in Tampa Florida. Someone flew a small plane into an office building causing only light damage to a few offices. Building is still standing, I think, with this memory only a blip in history.

DEI has gotten a bad rap.

DEI stands for diversity equity and inclusion and it's getting lots of push back these days. It's not new. Dating back many decades there have been efforts to improve fairness and inclusion in society. I remember the days when there was sensitivity training and other things under different labels.

My first memories of the DEI acronym was around the time of the angry push back against police in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. I personally did not attend those protests, for several reasons including covid.

It's not that simple, but I guess just change a few buzzwords and strategies to continue efforts toward a more inclusive world.

Is the US an oligarchy or a democracy? It's a spectrum.

Some people think USA is already an oligarchy instead of a democracy. Basically run by the rich with their lobbyists, corporate power and so forth. The line between democracy and oligarchy is blurry. It's like a scale depending on where one draws the line, to some extent.

I wouldn't say we are an oligarchy, yet at least. Ironically, populism may be pushing us that way, however. Populism seems to follow celebrities ranging from Donald Trump and Elon Musk to Hollywood celebrities. There are celebrities influencing thinking on both the left and the right. Many conspiracy theories are based on Hollywood movies. I'm not into movies that much, but I remember seeing China Syndrome.

Many callers to radio talk shows seem to get the plots for their conspiracy theories from the movies. They often say, "this is happening like, you know, in the movie (fill in the blank)."

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Culture needs to evolve before ideals on the left become viable.

I have thought that many of the ideals of us leaning to the left have run counter to consumptive culture. Dependency on cars versus climate change, single family homes versus attempts to curb sprawl, population growth versus the dream of a limited growth economy.

With the fires raging in California, I've read that Governor Newsome has issued an emergency order lifting some of the burdensome environmental red tape, which has been quite a thicket in California. This move to allow for rebuilding of burned areas at a more affordable rate.

Myself, rather than being a radical on "stick it to business" red tape, I understand the need for society to work. At the same time, I am somewhat of a critic of much of our culture ranging from population growth to over dependency on private automobiles to basing one's self esteem on one's wealth and career status.

I think, maybe, the best we can do toward a more sustainable world is incremental changes; a bike path here, transit there, incremental decrease in the size of homes and awareness of what kind of society we should have to be in more harmony with the natural environment.

Bellingham has recently taken a good step to reduce parking requirements for new developments in order to try and allow for more affordable housing. I notice some people, on the left, think this is a sellout to big developers who want to build and reap profits from less requirements. Some people say we have to have cars as it's "reality."

Less regulation, such as less parking requirements can, however, make it easier for mom and pop landlords to incrementally build. This might make it easier for smaller business to compete against the bigger developers who have more money for lawyers to navigate them through tickets of regulation. As for the never ending need for more parking, Bellingham's infrastructure is admittedly getting more cluttered with cars. On street parking is getting fuller, unless people are willing to walk farther from where they have parked than they are use to. This requires a cultural change.

To accommodate more cars, I doubt we will ever be able to afford widening I-5 through Bellingham. We could go to six, or maybe even 8 lanes to try and reduce the chock point. Self driving technology might help us add more cars to the existing 4 lanes, however.

Anyway, without cultural change, it looks like many environmental regulations will need to go.